

Call Me Maybe

Wow! that’s a wonderful performance from Class 2, Grade 7.


Good evening, boys, girls and my dear teachers. Welcome to the English show---the memories of April. Our topic is showing your talent and charming in English. I’m the host




English is a door, through which we may walk closer to success.

English is a window, out of which we can see a colorful life.

English is a mirror, in which we can find both others and ourselves.

As we all know, English is becoming increasingly popular around the world.

Exactly right.

That’s why we held the show tonight. We hope more and more students will join us in English learning, and find the pleasure in English learning.

First, please allow me to introduce our honorable guests. They are_______Thanks for your coming. Thanks for your all-out support of this show.

Before we begin our show, I’d like to invite our English group leader, professor zhang to give us a speech up on the stage.

Let’s welcome.

主持人A:Wow, they really did a good job!what an excellent performance it is! 主持人B:是的,让我们再一次用热烈地掌声感谢他们带来的精彩演出!

主持人A:主持人b(主持人b应声),You must know the story Cinderella very well. 主持人B:真的吗?那我们可要拭目以待接下来八年级五班为大家表演的《灰姑娘》了。


主持人A:感谢七年级 班同学的精彩演出。

主持人B:主持人A, do you know today there are still some people dying because of hunger?

主持人A:oh,yes~ we should care about what’s going on outside , because we are the future. It’s love that makes us together.

甲.我们用歌声寄托对青春的盛情厚意,我们用乐声承诺对梦想的信念永恒 We express our vision for the youth by the songs and we

strengthen our faith for the dream by the music.

乙.今夜,我们引吭高歌,尽情绽放青春的色彩!请欣赏由(xx xx xx)带来的歌曲 a little love.

Tonight, Let us belt out songs and bloom out the color of youth. Now, please enjoy the song by**** Do you have any friends?

Of course, I have many friends. And let me show you how to make friends. Next, let’s enjoy the short play making friends from Class 4, Grade 7.

In the spring festival, we are always looking forward to wearing new clothes. Long time ago, there was an emperor, he loved wearing new clothes. Two thieves heard about it and came to his kingdom. Now, please appreciate the emperor’s new clothes.

No matter where do you come from; no matter your skin is yellow or white; no matter how different you are, you and me both live in the Earth Village, and we are a family. Now please appreciate the song “you and me”

Children’s world is full of fantasy. To be snow white is every girl’s dream, let us watch the show Snow White. The actors are from class four grade eight.

Time is always too short for those who rejoice, and finally it is time to say good-bye Every end means a brand new start. Looking forward to the following semester, we are full of hope.

Though the show is about to end, we shall never cease the aspiration towards knowledge.

We wish our school will bring up more talents and create more achievements We wish all the distinguished guests, teachers, students’ happiness!

Let’s cherish tonight forever. Let’s keep tonight in our heart forever!

Everybody, that’s the end of tonight’s show, good night.

See you!



Dai Jiaqi: My friends, this competition is beginning, please be quiet and respect the contestants during the competition, try to be an excellent audience, thanks for your cooperation.

Geng Yufei:比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您在比赛过程中,尊重所有选手,保证赛场的安静,争做文明观众。谢谢合作!)

Liu Yutong :Good afternoon, teachers and class, welcome to the final of Shunyi No. 1 Middle School Junior One 2011 English Reciting Competition.

Tong Haifa: 老师们,同学们,晚上好,欢迎来到顺义一中初一年级20xx年英语背书大赛决赛的比赛现场。

Dai Jiaqi: I’m the hostess of tonight, I’m Dai Jiaqi

Geng Yufei:站在我身边这位女主持人是_____________,我是今晚的男主持____________.

Liu Yutong :I’m the hostess of tonight, I’m

Tong Haifa:站在我身边这位女主持人____________,我是今晚的男主持______________.

Dai Jiaqi: In today's Grand Final(决赛) there are 12 finalists(决赛选手), they are all the winners of the Competition, because they have enough courage to stand here. These contestants will give us very impressive performances.

Geng Yufei:在今天的决赛中,将会有12名出色的选手献出他们的才艺,他们都将是赢家,因为他们有勇气站在今天的舞台上,本身就意味着他们有充足的勇气,所以我们相信,今天的比赛将会更加的激烈与精彩!

Liu Yutong : Firstly, let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests. Welcome our today's judges for this English Recing Contest. Friends, the leader of Grade One, Mrs Zhou, Mrs Jiang , our English teachers Mrs Wang , Mr Zhao and Mrs Zhou.

Tong Haifa:首先,我们非常荣幸得介绍今天英语背书大赛的各位尊敬的评委。同学们,他们是来我们年级的周主任,蒋主任,王老师,赵老师,周老师。

Dai Jiaqi: Once again,let's welcome all the teachers and students.

Geng Yufei: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位老师以及同学们的到来。

Liu Yutong : Now Please let us introduce the regulations(规则) of this final.

Tong Haifa: 现在让我们来介绍一下今天决赛的比赛规则。

1. 背诵连贯,流畅。(40)

2. 语音语调正确,发音标准。(20)

3. 背诵有感情,语速得当。(20)

4. 声音洪亮,仪表得体、大方。(20)

Dai Jiaqi: I have a strong desire to see it. And that’s exactly what we will see today. Okay, so everybody clear on what’s going to happen today? Then, let’s get started.

Geng Yufei:我们都非常期待今天这场精彩的比赛,亲爱的各位同学们,你们准备好了吗?现在我宣布,顺义一中初一年级20xx年英语背书大赛决赛,现在开始。

Liu Yutong : Now, friends, let’s put our hands together for Contestant No.1_____________Contestant NO.2 please get ready.

Tong Haifa: 朋友们,首先出场是一号选手______________,二号选手请做好准备,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎一号选手。

Dai Jiaqi: Thank you contestant NO.1, Now,please welcome contestant NO.2__________.Contestant NO.3 please get ready.

Geng Yufei:感谢我们一号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是二号选手……,三号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎二号选手。

Liu Yutong : Thank you contestant NO.2, Now,please welcome contestant NO.3__________.Contestant NO.4 please get ready.

Tong Haifa: 感谢我们二号选手精彩的表现。接下来将要上场的是三号选手……,四号选手请做好准备,掌声欢迎三号选手。

Dai Jiaqi: Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance. You really did a good job. Next let’s welcome………….give some comments on our contestants’ performance.

Geng Yufei:非常感谢我们最后一位选手的精彩的背诵。到现在,所有的选手都完成了他们的表演,他们所有人真的是都非常非常的棒。下面,让我们由__________来为我们今天的比赛以及各位选手的表现做一下点评。由请。

Liu Yutong :Thank you _____________for your wonderful comments.

Tong Haifa: ___________老师,谢谢您精彩的点评。

Dai Jiaqi: Let’s welcome contestant No. _______ to sing a song for us.

Geng Yufei: 同学们,让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎______________为我们带来一首好听的英文歌曲。

Liu Yutong :Allow me to announce the list of the winners_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Congratulations.

Tong Haifa: 现在让我们来宣布今天获奖选手的名单,祝贺你们。

Dai Jiaqi: Friends ,Now, Shunyi No. 1 Middle School Junior One 2011 English Reciting Competition. is ending. I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful songs presented by the 12 contestants. Thank you for your hard work. Boys and girls, Let's give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

Geng Yufei:朋友们,现在,顺义一中初一年级20xx年英语背书大赛马上就要结束了。12位选手带来的精彩的歌曲都给我们留下了深刻的印象,他们每位选手都为今天这场精彩的演出付出了巨大的努力,让我们再次以热烈的掌声感谢他们。

Liu Yutong ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers, my fellow students, Shunyi No. 1 Middle School Junior One 2011 English Reciting Competition is close.

Tong Haifa:女士们先生们,尊敬的各位老师,亲爱的同学们,西安音乐学院20xx年英语歌曲大赛到此结束

Dai Jiaqi: Once again Thank you for your time. see you next year.

Geng Yufei:再次感谢您的到来,让我们明年再见!











女生节晚会主持词 最终稿













