篇一 :英国探亲签证邀请函模板


dear officer,

i am writing to confirm that i wish to invite

name: xx

relationship: xx date of birth: xx

to visit me while i am studying at abbey college cambridge in uk. i would like to invite him to visit me from xx october xxxx to xx october xxxx.

my name is xx and i am a full-time student at abbey college cambridge. i have enclosed the offer, accommodation certificate, payment receipt which confirms that i am studying at abbey college cambridge. i am due to complete my course in 30th june XX. and my visa is valid until xx/xx/xxxx.

i confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay. after my father gets his visa, he will book the hotel in uk.

i would be very grateful if you would approve request for uk visa so that he can visit me. i hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. please find enclosed the following evidence:

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篇二 :如何邀请朋友和父母来英国附带邀请函


无论什么时候, 作为学生签证持有者都可以邀请自己的父母或者朋友来英国旅行或是参加自己的毕业典礼. 内政部会将他们视为non-dependant会发给访问签证(visitor). 在判断是否颁发访问签证时,签证官会重点考虑如下的几个方面: 1, 在英国不会逗留超过6个月(因为访问签最长是6个月的)

2, 不会在英国逗留期间工作.

3, 能够支持整个在英国的期间的费用和往返旅行费用.

4, 有合适的住宿安排

5, 签证期满以后不会超期逗留英国

为了满足上述要求, 无论是学生本人还是被邀请人都要分别准备一系列的材料. 就学生本人而言需要提供:

1, 提供一封英文邀请信给被邀请人, 如果来英有特别目的则一定要在信中说明,比如参加毕业典礼.

2, 学校出具的在读证明说明本人的学生身份, 在读课程的详细信息.

3, 护照复印件包括个人信息页和签证页

4, 警察局注册证明的复印件

5, 为被邀请人安排的住宿证明. 一般来说本人在学校的住宿不能作为被邀请人的住宿. 如果本人是租住私人的房子, 则需要提供于房东的合同以及一封出自房东的信用以陈述房间大小并且适合本人和被邀请人居住. 如果被邀请人住酒店或者单独租房居住, 也要提供相关证明.


1, 签证申请表(可以从 下载)

2, 连续三个月的银行对帐单用以证明被邀请人有充足的钱来支持自己在英国期间的花费和往返机票费用. 如果被邀请人将使用邀请人的资金作为在英国的开销,则邀请人要提供连续三个月的银行对帐单.

3, 其他的资料用以证明被邀请人不会滞留英国不归. 比如在职人员可以要求所在单位出具的工作证明, 准假证明. 如果被邀请人是学生则可以让学校出具在读证明, 和准假证明. 被邀请人还可以准备其他材料来证明自己到英国只是短期访问, 比如在国内的资产证明, 在国内还有配偶或者小孩等等.

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篇三 :英国探亲签证邀请信模板

Dear Officer,

I am writing to confirm that I wish to invite

Name: XX

Relationship: XX

Date of Birth: XX

to visit me while I am studying at Abbey College Cambridge in UK. I would like to invite him to visit me from 20 October 2011 to 30 October 2011.

My name is XX and I am a full-time student at Abbey College Cambridge. I have enclosed the offer, accommodation certificate, payment receipt which confirms that I am studying at Abbey College Cambridge. I am due to complete my course in 30th June 2013. And my visa is valid until 30/10/2013.

I confirm that my father will be staying with me during his stay. After my father gets his VISA, he will book the hotel in UK.

I would be very grateful if you would approve request for UK visa so that he can visit me. I hope the necessary visa arrangements can be made as soon as possible. Please find enclosed the following evidence:

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篇四 :标准英国探亲签证邀请信模板

To Whom It May Concern

Visa Section

British Embassy


People’s Republic of China

I am writing to confirm that ??? is my mother and ??? is my mothers best friend. I would like to invite them to visit me from December to January. The purpose of this visit is to take part in my graduation and to spend the Christmas holiday with me.

I attach a letter from the university which confirms that I was a full-time student studying in University of Msc Marketing and now wait to be award in July.

I confirm that and are fully funded by themselves. Their bank statement has been attached.I will collect my parents from Manchester International Airport and I confirm that they will

stay with me at my house rent. The address is as follows:

I would be very grateful if you would approve and request for UK visas so that they may be permitted to visit me and I hope the necessary visa arrangement can be made as soon as possible.

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篇五 :英国人来华签证申请-中方邀请函英文版


Tianshu No6,

Building 46.


Village 2,









? Chinese Visa Application Service (London) 12 Old Jewry, London EC2R 8DU

Phone: +442077106000


在 2013 年 3 月我想邀请特雷弗 · J ? 鲍尔先生访问我在中国的家乡,他已经来过两次,但从未超过 30 天。这次我会希望他能逗留的时间超过 30 天,使我们能够访问我在重庆的家庭和景点。





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篇六 :英国探亲访友签证邀请函模板




To Whom it may concern

I take delight in inviting my mother Ms. XXX to visit UK from __/__/____ to __/__/____ (__ Days). The purpose of her stay is to pay a private visit to me, and we plan to travel around UK during the upcoming Chinese Spring Festival.

I am currently studying at [your univeristy name] doing [your degree name]. I hold a UK Tier 4 student visa expires on xx/xx/xxxx, my Chinese passport number is xxxxxxx. My [mother/father/parents/friends] will be staying [with me/ at the hotel], address is: xxxxxx. I will accompany them during their whole trip.

Please find below her personal data required for visa application.

Full name: XXX Passport No.: GXXXXXXXX

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篇七 :英国人来华签证申请-中方邀请函英文版

Zhao Tianshu No6, Building 46.

Xingong Village 2,

Dadukou District,


China Phone: +861xxxxxxxx ? Chinese Visa Application Service (London)

12 Old Jewry,



Phone: +442077106000

Dear Sir/Madam

During March 2013 I would like to invite Mr Trevor J Balls to visit my home town in China he has been before on two occasion but has never stayed longer than 30 days.

On this occasion I would like him to stay longer than 30 days to enable us to visit family and places in my city of Chongqing. I have listed all the relevant information in the table below for


Zhao Tianshu


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篇八 :邀请函_英国_签证_一般访问_Invitation_-General_visit

From: Ying Duo

Address: 9 Old Road, Cambridge, UK

Contact number: 0044-07566899650

Date: June 16, 2012

To: Lia Wi (born on April 26, 1989, Male, Nephew)

Address: No.120, Dongling Road, Shenyang 110866, China

Subject: Invitation to visit UK

Dear Lia,

I am very glad to hear from you that you have gotten the certificate of College English Band Four. I also know you like British culture very much.

I miss you. Your uncle and I do hope you can visit to us during your summer vocation from June,9 to August 31, 2012. It would be very nice to have you with us.

Now I research as academic scholar for a year in Trust Institute, Cambridge, UK. We live in the beautiful town of Cambridge, and the famous Cambridge University is also located here.

During your stay in UK, you will get an opportunity to visit famous cities and scenic spots, to see and experience British culture, which must be very helpful for you.

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