




12: Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the final competition of 2014 Oral English


1: I’m Kwan,the hostess tonight. And this is my

partner Sue.

2: Nice to have you here and hope all of you can enjoy

the big show.

2: English is such a beautiful language. We can use it

to travel around the world.

1: 英语是一门美丽的语言,用英语我们可以周游世界。

1: In today's show, there are 16 contestants. They

come from different classes. But they have the same

aim, that is to practice English.

2: 今天的比赛总共有16名,他们来自不同的班级,但是大


1: To start with, please allow me to introduce our

judges. They’re (title)…, (X: Welcome!), (title) …(X:

Welcome!), (title) …(X: Thanks for coming.), (title) …

(X: Welcome!) (title) …(X: Thanks for coming

here! )

1: Let’s show the warmest welcome to our honored guests.

2: In today’s show, we have two rounds. The first round, is three-minute presentation and answer the question from our question master. All the contestants will random draw a topic and have 15mins to prepare. 1:今天的比赛总共有2轮,第一轮分为2个环节,第1环节是3钟演讲,题目随机抽取,并有15分钟准备时间。

1:The second round including two parts. They are debate for English majors and interpretation for non-English majors. English major contestants will random draw a debater and a topic to debate. The public English team contestants will draw a topic to interpret.

2: 今天的比赛总共有2轮,第一轮分为2个环节,第1环节是3钟演讲,题目随机抽取,并有15分钟准备时间。第二轮分为辩论和口译。专业组选手将随机抽取辩友、辩题及正反方。公共英语组选手将随机抽取口译主题。



1:Here I would like to take his opportunity to wish this English speaking competition can be a perfect success. 2:

1: Now it’s your time to enjoy the show. Please welcome the first contestant…

2: And contestant no.1, please get ready.

1: Thanks for your great performance. Let’s welcome contestant no.2 and contestant no.3, please get ready. 2: Thanks for the good performance. Let’s welcome contestant no.3 and contestant no.4, please get ready. 1: Thanks for the wonderful performance. Now we’ll have the contestant no.4 and contestant no.5, please get ready.

2: Wow!You did a good job. Now let’s welcome contestant no.5 and contestant no.6, please get ready. 1: Thanks for your excellent performance. Let’s welcome contestant no.6, and contestant no.7, please get ready.

2: Thanks for the wonderful performance. Let’s welcome contestant no.7 and contestant no.8, please get ready.

1: Thanks for your great performance. And next, we’ll have the contestant no.8, and contestant no.9, please get ready.

2: Thanks for your good performance. Let’s welcome contestant no.9, and contestant no.10, please get ready.

1: Well done! Thanks for your performance. Now let’s welcome contestant no.10, and contestant number11 please get ready.

2: Thanks for your great performance. Now let’s welcome contestant no.12.

1: Thanks for your good performance. Let’s welcome contestant no.13, and contestant no.14, please get ready.

2: Thanks for your good performance. Let’s welcome contestant no.15, and contestant no.16, please get ready.



1:Excellent! These 16 contestants give us a wonderful show.

Now, my friends, let’s go to

the second round ,INTERPRETATION and debate


1:So right now, it is time for the judges to give us some comments.

2:现在有请评委老师上台为我们选手的精彩表演做点评。 1: let’s warmly welcome…


1: Thank you *** for such an impressive conclusion. 2:Now let’s enjoy a wonderful performance.(嘉宾表演,未知滴~)

1:Here comes the result. Who is the winner tonight,kwan?

2:Now the most exciting moment is coming. It’s time to give awards.


1:Um, let’s see. The third prize winners are…, …,…

2:Congratulations! Let’s welcome …to award them the prizes.

1:Now it’s time to announce the second prize winners.The second prize winners are…,…

2:Let’s welcome …to award them the prizes.

1: Congratulations! Wow, the most exciting moment has come. The first prize winner is…please.

2: Alright, the winner is … Let’s welcome …to award her/them the prize(s).

1:Congratulations to all the contestants.


2:On behalf of all the members of student union, thanks for all the judges and guests. The final competition of English speaking contest has come to the end, thank you for coming!

最后,让我在这里代表全体学生会的成员感谢今晚到场嘉宾,评委及观众。英语口语大赛决赛到此 圆满结束,感谢你们的到来.

1:Ladies and gentlemen, good night!

2:Thank you again. Good night and sweet dreams. 各位晚安!请各位领导和嘉宾上台合影留念.


Good morning (evening), every one

My name is Yuelang from Fensiting primary school, I am in grade four.

As we all know, there are lot of people in the world who like animals so much, they think animals are our friends, they help animals and protect them. I like animals too. I want a cute doggy to be my buddy. So I always beg my parents to let me

have a dog in our home; But Mom always turns me down.

She says, “We cannot keep a dog in home because we cannot provide what they need. For example, most of animals need a big space, need to be free outside for hours. If we forced them to stay in our small apartment every hour, everyday, without company, they would just like miserable


Mom also says, “Dogs also need to be taken good care of. You should wash it every day, you should feed it every day, and you should walk it every day. As for walking a dog, the important thing is that you should remember to remove its shit into a trash can with your hands, if not, our environment will be dirty and messy. ”

I still love dogs although I don’t like to remove its shit with my hands. I also understand it is not convenient to keep a dog in our home, because I am too busy to take care of it.

But, some day, if we have a big house with a small dog’s door beside our front door, if I grow up to be an adult, I will be a civilized owner of a dog, I will never let dog’s shit on the ground to mess

our neighborhood, I will never let my dog feel like a miserable prisoner. .

Right now, I will be happier if I can be a volunteer of environment protector. I’d like to ask every owner of pets not only take good care of pets, but keep our environment be beautiful and clear. Then, our neighborhood will be a paradise for both animals and humans. Then, pets and

humans will live together in harmony. That is the true love of pets and animals. That is all

Thanks for listening
























