

Hello,everybody,welcome to this English singing competition held by Grade 8.Thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition.In today’s show,there are 8 contestants in the group.They are coming from class 1 and class 2. Now,I have the great honor['?n?(r)] of presenting today’s judges[d??d?].They are________________________________________.Please give a warm welcome to them.Now let me introduce our contestants.The first contestant is _________,the second is _________,the third is________...Now,it’s your time to enjoy the beautiful songs.I want to hear your warm voices!I declare[d?'kle?(r)] the game started....OK.

1.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.1_________.He will sing _______________.And No.2_________get ready please.

2.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.2_________.He will sing _______________.And No.3_________get ready please.

3.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.3_________.He will sing _______________.And No.4_________get ready please.

4.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.4_________.He will sing _______________.And No.5_________get ready please.

5.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.5_________.He will sing _______________.And No.6_________get ready please.

6.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.6_________.He will sing _______________.And No.7_________get ready please.

7.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.7_________.He will sing _______________.And No.8_________get ready please.

8.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.8_________.He will sing _______________.

Our contestants today is really great.Let’s give them the most warm applause[?'pl?:z]! Thank you for watching the competition.Do you feel the exciting moment is coming?Our champion['t??mp??n] is_________,runner up is_________,the second runner up is _________,congratulations[k?n?gr?tj?'le???nz] to them!Also thanks to other contestants.I hope you will make persistent[p??s?st?nt]efforts['ef?ts].You are the best too.And now I declare[d?'kle?(r)] the game is over.Thank you for everybody.Goodbye!


A: Good afternoon, dear leaders.

B: Good afternoon, dear teachers.

C: Good afternoon, dear pupils.

A: Thanks for coming here! We finally have the most exciting moment. H: Singing English songs can give us impetus in learning English. So we hope you can enjoy this contest!

1.W: What time do you think is the best time of a year? May be the Eve.《When Christmas comes to town》by class 4.Welcome them!

(song singing)

2.H:now,let us have a good time listening a popular song~it is brought by 金磊和叶知晓from class 9

(song singing)

3.W:What do you want to be in the future?If you haven't made dicisions ,please listen to 《what you wanna be》by class 6.

(song singing)

4.H:when you are sad ,do you want to cry?If you do, just 《cry on my shoulder》.Welcome the girls from class 7.

(song singing)

5.W:I have listened a classic song called 《shalala》.Today students of class 3 will sing for us this song.let 's welcome them!

(song singing) 6.H:Do you think the things happen in fictions are true?I don't believe that all.So we should listen to

(song singing)

7.W:Loneliness has always been a friend of mine.How about you?But some people are this.Let's class 2 sing for us . (song singing)

8.H::Cinderella is a romantic story.Students in class 9 will perform it for us.Give them hands! (song singing)

9.W:One body never had a dream come true,but some day her met a person.So……Let's give the members of class 10 hands to welcome them!

(song singing)

10.H:Donglingfei and Lipeiyuan will recite a poem for people who experience the Wenchuan earthquake.

(song showing)

11.W:Peace is the rarest thing in world. The class 7 sings for us the classic song .Welcome them!

(song singing) 12H:maybe everyone thinks themselves is lucky。But a lucky girl is sad .why does she cry and cry?Please Tanzhao from class 10 tell us why. (song singing)

13.W:Did you see the first leaf falling in autumn? students in class 5 tell us by .

(song singing)

14.D: I enjoy the sunshine full of the sky.My partner will sing thewith his friends.Give them fives!

(song singing)

15.W:Did you see anyone that he is very handsome?the class 1 sings for us to discuss about it.

(song singing)

16.H:Romeo and Juliet was a pretty romantic play in the world.William Shakespeare was famous for it.class 7 performs it to us.

(song singing)

17.W:when you close you eyes .whom are you thinking of?class 8 brings us.

(song singing)

18.H:Nobody had seen the god .But the class 6 thinks it is a girl.Cause somebody had sung

(song singing)

19.W:When sky are blue,I will make a poem .but class 9 will sings for usfor it.

(song singing)

W&H: We wish all of you could have fun today.We hope that you can enjoy all the songs here,and foster interest in learning English.Good bye!





英语歌曲大赛 主持稿



















