













8. 新理念大学英语网络教学系统中的相关材料(外教社)











- 其它







-- 新理念大学英语网络教学系统中的相关材料(外教社)

-- 其它




--《全新版大学英语综合教程》Text B (第1,2册)



-- 新理念大学英语网络教学系统中的相关材料(外教社)

-- 其它





--- 四六级真题训练

--- 新理念大学英语网络教学系统中的相关材料(外教社)

--- 其它





2. 新理念大学英语网络教学系统中的相关材料(外教社)












(2) 两次阶段性统一集中测试,各占10分。测试内容参考本计划有关“听力”自主学习部分的学习材料,主













3.期末成绩的组成: (以百分制计算)










--- 新理念大学英语网络教学系统中的相关材料(外教社)

--- 其他






3.课外以学生自学为主,任课老师要在综合课或口语课上抽时间对课外自学内容进行检查,可以通过group presentation、discussion等形式完成。









1. 09级普本

1)教 材: 流畅英语第四册




1)教 材: 流畅英语第1-2册







大学英语 音体美、学前和专升本 教学计划

2010-2011第一学期 1、教学对象:09、10级音体美本科生、10学前和专升本学生







考勤 10%;



一、 综合英语

1. 09级


2. 10级


二、 口语

1. 09级


2. 10级


*综合英语和口语课的教学要求见以上“课程说明”。 *09级教学安排同上学期




课程编号: 2 课程性质:必修课 课程名称(中文):大学英语 课程适用专业:非英语专业

(英文):College English 课程适用层次:专升本 课程类型:公共基础课 先修课程:专科/高中英语 一学年最少学时: 144(夜大);96(函授) 学分:9






1) 讲解课文:课文中的语言点(含词汇、重点语法、结构)必须重点讲解;

2) 堂上互动:语言教学切忌一言堂,教师应该扮演多种身份:知识的传授者、活动的组织者和监督者、任务完成的验收者等。两节课以上的授课当中教师都应该组织“教师与学生互动”、“学生与学生互动的活动”,例如:提问与回答、用英语口头或书面复述重点段落内容、分析课文结构特点等;

3) 任务限制:利用成人的自学能力,部分教学内容布置给学生在课外学习,堂上及时跟踪检查;

4) 技巧传授:重点放在阅读、翻译和写作三种综合运用知识的讲解上;

5) 优势利用:利用多媒体设备实施教学和借助电子教案备课等。不少教学点都提供了多媒体大屏幕的教学条件,教师可以充分利用此条件,将与讲解内容有关的相关知识准备好,使教学课堂做到有声有色有实质性的内容。与教材相配套教学的录音光盘和学生辅导用书实施学生自主学习的教学思想,在提供的电子教案基础上针对所教学生的英语水平和教学安排的特殊性,组织好课堂教学。








(1) 根据上下文把握词义的能力,包括少量超纲词的词义;

(2) 理解句子意思,并能理解上下文的逻辑关系;

(3) 理解文章的字面意义,并能根据所读材料进行一定的判断和推论;

(4) 把握每一段落及整篇文章的主旨和大意,并能找出用于说明论证主旨和大意的


(5) 能对作者的态度等作出简单的分析和判断。







总评成绩=70%的期末考试卷面成绩 + 30%的平时成绩。


1) 课堂出勤率:根据学生手册,函授、夜大旷课20%或请假40%,不允许参加该门课程的考核,考试成绩以0分计算。

2) 完成作业情况;

3) 学习表现: 回答问题, 小组活动等;

4) 课堂小测验。


1、教 材:

广东省成人高等教育英语系列教材《英语》第五册(艺术类:第四册) 中山大学出版社 20xx年11月



1.考试形式:闭卷 2.考试时间与组织形式:






Model Test Paper

(本试卷共有五大题,满分 100 分,考试时间 120 分钟)

I. Vocabulary and Structure (30%)

Part A

Directions: There are two columns in this section. Match the words in Column A with their explanations in Column B. Write your answers in the box on the ANSWER SHEET. Column A Column B

1. fuel A. 地基;基础 2. consume B. 仅仅;几乎不能


3. distribution C. 魅力;魔力

4. decade D. 主持

5. favorable E. 适度的;谦虚的

6. modest F. 燃料

7. barely G. 赞成的;有利的

8. foundation H. 分配

9. glamour I. 十年

10. host J. 消耗

Part B

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center. .

1. John did quite well in his exams, ___________ how little he had studied.

A. including B. judging C. considering D. being

2. Two men ____________ her and pushed her to the ground.

A. grabbed B. found C. oversaw D. underlay

3. The authorities have refused to _________ him a visa to visit the U.S..

A. deliver B. grant C. appoint D. permit

4. The __________ of students find it quite hard to live on the amount of money they got.

A. majority B. banquet C. driveway D. confines

5. It is a great __________ to know that the children were safe.

A. emission B. relief C. standard D. drain

6. At the border you will be asked about your _________ and how long you plan to stay.

A. automobile B. Asset C. implication D. destination

7. Don’t ____________ your Accounts Department to manage the cash flow for you.

A. rely on B. care for C. be based on D. be responsible for

8. Two hundred people showed up for the wedding, about 50 more than we ____________


A. frequently B. originally C. actually D. madly

9. Everyone is rushing around trying to get things done—we all need to ____________ and take

it easy.

A. slow down B. cut down C. trade in D. depend on

10. For the first time, she realized the ___________ danger of her situation.

A. high B. swift C. potential D. prior

11. There isn’t __________ food in the house.

A. none B. no C. some D. any

12. The number of the class ___________ limited to fifteen.

A. have been B. is C. are D. were

13. “I don’t like to travel.” “Have you ever ___________ in an airplane?”

A. flying B. flew C. flowed D. flown

14. Perhaps it will be a long time ___________ from abroad.

A. when Tom comes back B. when Tom will come back


C. before Tom comes back D. that Tom comes back

15. He is more diligent than ___________ in his class.

A. all the students B. anyone C. any other student D. everyone

16. Americans eat ___________ vegetables per person today as they did in 1910.

A. more than twice B. as twice as many

C. twice as many as D. more than twice as many

17. If we don’t start out now, we’ll have to risk ____________ the train.

A. miss B. missing C. being missed D. to miss

18. It is of much importance that you ____________ here on time.

A. be B. shall be C. are to be D. must be

19. Mike’s uncle insists ____________ in this hotel.

A. staying B. not to stay C. that he would not stay D. that he not stay

20. _____________ he works hard, I don’t mind when he finishes the experiment.

A. As soon as B. As well as C. So far as D. As long as

II. Reading Comprehension (40%)

Directions: In this part, you will read 4 passages. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question from the four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

Passage One

Despite all the glamour and glitz of the Oscars there is a good reason for people to be there, not for the films, but for the dresses. And short of wearing a dazzling dress you can actually win an award, and sometimes people will remember you. If you want to be noticed, and more importantly if you want to be on the front page of the next day’s newspapers, you need to give a good speech. But the trick is this, you don’t really have to sound special, in fact you can be anything you want to be, as long as it’s entertaining.

There are many ways in which you can grab attention at the Oscars. But there are some who specifically use the ceremony and all the attention it receives, to make themselves heard. Year 2002 was filled with tension over the Iraq war. The only person that night to discuss the war was Adrien Brody, making his speech for winning Best Actor for The Pianist.

Let’s face it, the Oscar moments we remember best are the ones when our strong and noble actresses fall foul of their emotions. In 1998, Gwyneth Paltrow picked up a well-deserved Best Actress for Shakespeare in Love. She was universally laughed at for crying throughout her speech, but considering that her grandfather was on his death bed, the woman should really have been excused for becoming so emotional.

Despite the Academy’s attempt at being the most important thing on stage it is always individual performances that steal the show. In 1991, Jack Palance got up on stage to pick up his Oscar for Best Supporting Actor (for City Slicker) and in an effort to show off his physique at the age of 71, he began a set of one armed pushups, much to the delight of the audience.

1. What can make those attending the Oscars appear on the front page of the next day’s


A. Sounding special. B. The films they starred





5. C. Their smiles. D. An entertaining speech Who made a speech about war when he/she got the award? A. Oscars B. Gwyneth Paltrow C. Adrien Brody D. Jack Palance What did Gwyneth Paltrow do when she delivered her speech? A. She didn’t say a word on the stage. B. She refused to go to the stage to accept the award. C. She broke into tears and cried throughout her speech. D. She told the audience that her grandfather had just died. How did Jack Palance impress the audience at the ceremony? A. He did a set of one armed pushups. B. He danced as a professional ballet dancer. C. He got up on the stage to grab the award. D. He told a joke he invented himself. What is the passage mainly about?

A. How to make yourself heard at the Oscar ceremony.

B. How to make a speech at the Oscar ceremony.

C. How to be fashionable at the Oscar ceremony.

D. How to be noticed at the Oscar ceremony.

Passage Two

More than two thirds of consumers reported that they are combining their shopping trips, and 39 percent say they are staying home more often and cutting down on non-essential living expenses to offset the cost of gas, according to a new survey.

Black motorists, many like Duane Stewart, are adjusting to the gas price shock in numerous ways. They are carpooling, using mass transit more frequently, scaling back on vacations, riding bicycles, and even walking more often. Other motorists are purchasing fuel-efficient hybrid cars or seeking to convert their cars to use fuel alternatives such as alcohol and, oddly enough, vegetable oil. Some motorists who rely on vehicles daily to do their jobs are cutting back on driving to complete tasks. They are using the Internet more to conduct business, and combining trips or relocating to shorten their trips.

For most Americans, giving up the car is not an option. It’s part of their businesses. No matter how expensive it gets, they have to pay it.

When it comes to cutting high gas prices, African-Americans are making lifestyle changes to cope, but economists forecast that higher gas prices and increases in the cost of living will continue. Here are a few changes you can make to save money at the gas pump:

? Switch to alternative forms of travel such as bicycles, public transportation, carpools, walking or even golf carts.

? Consider making your next car purchase a hybrid or E-85 (alcohol-based) vehicle.

? Use teleconferences, e-mail or the Internet instead of driving to business meetings.

? Slow down. You will use less gas if you stay at or below 55 mph on the highway.

6. According to the survey, the consumers ________.

A. stay at home to do their work

B. like to do shopping near their houses

C. spend more on non-essential living expenses


D. are cutting down on the expenses of gas

7. To adjust to the gas price shock, Duane Stewart does the following EXCEPT _________.

A. Carpooling B. Riding bicycles C. Shopping less often D. Walking more often

8. The motorists who rely on vehicles daily are using ________ more to conduct business.

A. fuel alternatives B. the Internet C. telephones D. vegetable oil

9. How important is the car to most Americans?

A. Their business cannot be done without it. B. It’s an option.

C. It’s the only vehicle they rely on. D. It makes their life convenient.

10. Economists forecast that ___________.

A. gas prices will drop

B. African-Americans will change their lifestyle

C. gas prices and living cost will continue to rise

D. more Americans will put their money in the bank

Passage Three

When you walk down a well-stocked supermarket passage in the U.S., it seems hard to believe that about 840 million people worldwide, including 200 million children, do not have enough food to eat each day. Females require an average of 2,200 calories a day minimum, while males need about 2,500—3,000 calories.

Believe it or not, the world’s 1 billion farmers produce about 3,800 calories of grain, meat, and other food products per person per day—more than enough to feed everyone under the sun. Over the past four decades, the world’s food supply has grown even faster than the population, thanks to fertilizers, pesticides, and improved farming techniques. Plants become more fruitful and resistant to drought, insects and diseases.

So why are so many people still starving? The answer is pure and simple: distribution—getting food to the right places. Many poor countries do not grow enough food to feed their own residents. And their governments can’t afford to pay for imported foods. Wars, inadequate transportation systems, as well as droughts, floods, and other natural disasters also affect the food supply.

Even if getting food to the hungry were not a problem, population experts would still worry: what effect will billions of people have on the environment?

Every day, each of us taps into the Earth’s resources, not only for food and water, but also for energy, land, shelter, clothing and other life necessities. The U.S., with only 5 percent of the world’s population, consumes 25 percent of the world’s fossil fuels. As our need for living space increases, we move into the habitats of many other species, endangering their survival. At the same time, we pollute land, air, water, and even outer space.

The world’s growing population is putting unbelievably great stress on resources and intense pressures on the environment, says Henry Kendall, a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “We are putting our future in danger”, he warns.

11. In the well-stocked American supermarket, ________

A. it is hard to find the food you like most

B. you won’t believe that some people are still starving

C. you cannot buy everything you need for your daily life


D. it is hard to believe that you won’t get the best service

12. Over the past four decades, the world’s food supply has grown __________ the population.

A. more slowly than B. as fast as

C. faster than D. twice faster than

13. Why are many people still starving?

A. Because their governments refuse to import foods for them.

B. Because they are not hard working.

C. Because they don’t have enough land to grow food.

D. Because food is not distributed to them.

14. What effect does the large population have on the environment?

A. It has polluted the environment.

B. It is putting great stress on resources.

C. The resources are almost used up.

D. Both A and B.

15. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The problems the growing population is facing.

B. The history of world’s population.

C. The ways to increase food supply.

D. The environmental protection.

Passage Four

I first realized I have a problem while hiking in the Himalayas. There I was—11,000 feet above sea level, walking along narrow dirt paths among wild cows and Buddhist monks when I spotted a sign in front of a little store: “Internet access inside.”

Soon, I was reading stupid jokes forwarded via e-mail by friends back home. Then I felt a sudden distress: What’s wrong with me? I’m in maybe the most beautiful place on earth, yet I’m huddled in a small room without any fresh air, staring at a computer monitor. Did I really hike all this way to do what I really already spend too much time doing back home?

Most nights, my girlfriend and I sit on the sofa, watching television on one of hundreds of digital cable channels. We each have a notebook computer—linked to the Internet through a wireless network—in our laps. Moreover, our cell phones sit within easy reach. At any given moment, we can watch TV, check our e-mail, surf various websites and chat with a friend.

But wouldn’t it be nice every now and then to have a pleasant one-on-one conversation? Sure, it happens, but the more we’ve gotten used to keeping all this stuff turned on, the harder it gets to turn any of it off. I am completely involved in a lifestyle that lets me access the Web anywhere, anytime. Living this way is a blessing and a curse. This kind of life cannot be imagined a decade ago.

A recent American Online survey found that 60 percent of e-mail users check theirs on vacation. Forty percent have clicked on their in-boxes in the middle of the night; 23 percent have actually checked e-mail in bed, in their night-suit. And 4 percent have checked e-mail in the bathroom! When getting on line begins to compete with basic bodily functions, I’d say we’re losing perspective.

16. What did the sign “Internet access inside” mean?


A. You may connect to the Internet inside.

B. Internet access is free of charge inside.

C. There is no Internet access in the store.

D. Visitors cannot access the Internet inside.

17. What did the author feel when sitting in the computer room?

A. Glad. B. Distressed. C. Disappointed. D. Free

18. What do the writer and his girlfriend usually NOT do in the evening?

A. Watching television

B. Making or answering phone calls

C. Logging in to the Internet.

D. Talking to each other.

19. We can conclude from Paragraphs 3 and 4 that __________.

A. We need more convenient communication.

B. Our life is lack of one-on-one conversation.

C. Our lifestyle is not much different from that a decade ago.

D. We can work at home once our computer is linked to the Internet.

20. According to the American Online survey, the Internet _________.

A. has brought pleasure to our life

B. has kept us in touch with others wherever we are

C. has shortened our sleeping time

D. has interfered (妨碍) with our relaxation

III. Cloze (10%)

Directions: There are 10 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.

For years, experts suspected that gender makes a big difference in depression. Studies from New York to New Zeland have repeatedly found the ___1___ startling statistic: About twice as many women as men suffer ___2___ depression. That finding was considered one of the basic facts of modern ___3___ health. Yet is has recently come under attack from critics who, concerned about under-reporting of male depression, are ___4___ a question: Do men actually experience it as much as women ___5___?

Harvard psychologist William Pollak, PhD, is leading the charge against the huge depression gender ___6___. Director of the Center for Men at McLean Hospital, Pollack ___7___ that men’s rate of depression may be nearly equal to ___8___. Just look at suicide ___9___, he says: Male suicides outnumber females ___10___ four to one.

1. A. strange B. same C. different D. huge

2. A. from B. in C. at D. of

3. A. physical B. mental C. ill D. good

4. A. discussing B. answering C. considering D. raising

5. A. do B. suffer C. get D. take

6. A. difference B. role C. gap D. issue






A. describes A. the number A. attacks A. for B. doubts B. it B. rates B. from C. suggests C. women’s C. bombing C. by D. argues D. women D. notes D. with

IV. Translation (10%)

Directions: There are 5 Chinese sentences to be translated. Put them into English, using the words or expressions given in the brackets. Write your translation on the ANSWER SHEET.

1. 好多方面你都跟你的爸爸很相近。(in many ways)

2. 目前几家大医院都在裁员。(cut back on)

3. 她在父亲生病期间一直照料着他。(care for)

4. 他们因为坐不起出租车而步行。(afford to)

5. 我好像总是赚得越多就花得越多。(the more… the more…)

V. Writing (10%)

Directions: Write a short passage of at least 100 words entitled “What Can We Get from Books”

on the ANSWER SHEET. The composition should be based on the outlines given below:

1. Books are our greatest friends.

2. Books are treasures they bring us knowledge.

3. Books not only give us knowledge but also give us pleasure.




I. Vocabulary and Structure (30%)


Part B

1—5 CADAB 6—10 DABAC

11—15 DBDCC 16—20 DBADD

II. Reading Comprehension (40%)

Passage 1: 1—5 DCCAD

Passage 2: 6—10 DCBAC

Passage 3: 11—15 BCDDA

Passage 4: 16—20 ABDBD

III. Cloze (10%)

1—5 BABDA 6—10 CDCBC

IV. Translation (10%)






You’re very close to your daddy in many ways. Several major hospitals are cutting back on staff at the moment. She cared for her father all through his illness. They walked because they couldn’t afford to take a taxi. It always seems like the more I earn, the more I spend.

V. Writing (10%)




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