













我为伊夏从此走出了那个阴暗的心灵流泪。 为有这么好的伯乐窃喜!






On Earth, the stars of the film actor-year-old little boy, Ethan, full of whimsy boy. In his eyes, the world's mysterious lovely, full of color, he likes the sky, white clouds, birds, rivers, fish, or even relish watching a small puddle, watermarks and reflections appreciate it being stamped out. Ethan Gege You sweat obviously two extremes, especially Khan outstanding boy in adults with homework, scores, tidy world, especially Khan is undoubtedly the parents in the eyes of the teacher in the eyes of a good student.

Ethan class often trouble, and then his parents called to school meal approved by the teacher. But he was also ashamed. Finally, he did play truant! Also lied to compile the written request for leave, the Gege You sweat to write. After the success of another person walking down the street. The last was found by the father scolded, directly to Ethan sent to a technical school. He just go in, very afraid, but fortunately, one of the best friends of the class results and play with him. Later, to a substitute teacher, the teacher played is very strange. Wearing the clothing of a clown blowing our Chinese traditional flute playing. He is very cute, kind, playful. Ethan in his enlighten, gradually changed for the better, academic slowly following them. And later launched a "painting competition." Teachers and Ethan paintings comparable, but in the end of Ethan's paintings, to win the championship! PTA meetings a day, Ethan's parents think also being criticized, results usher in the praise of teachers Ethan. Ethan parents on the spot excited.

Not everyone is so fortunate encounter horses. I just hope that through this film, so that more families know how to love our children. Children as the stars on Earth, they need love, need more freedom, and the sun, with these have the ability to win the brutal competition and challenges. Let us release the shackles of the child, so that they better to enjoy life, to become the shining light of the stars.




The beginning of the film, we see a naughty, stubborn, love to the teachers and parents get into trouble ordinary little boy, he is lazy in the eyes of people around, love to lie, do not like to learn, love to fight, simply let teachers and parents headaches students with problems. Children, maybe you, me, his side have the perspective of others and it seems such a child is really unpleasant, can not be saved · · · · · ·

However, at the same time, the director gave a perspective of the little boy in the eyes of the world is always so beautiful, regardless of the pond to swim to the fish, starving the birds outside the window or the vagaries of the sky cloud imperceptible to those of ordinary people, but it is life's most beautiful real state of the whole in the boy's heart, he is absolutely not the teachers and parents in the eyes of the image of a quietly watching the sea, a person lying on the high-rise looks into the distance, a person skipping to take risks in the world outside the classroom, as a kind of quiet state, you can say he is just a heartless-year-old child? His insights on life, beauty touch, thinking of foreign matter has gone far beyond the extent of his age can think even more than a normal adult. So he used color, brush, these beautiful things and imaginative picture recorded from his paintings can be seen that that is how wonderful the world, a rich plot, bold colors, imaginative The technique of expression · · · · · · is an artist Cotyledons. See this side of the audience has been touched, but parents and teachers in the movie is still on, plus outstanding student brother contrast, Yi Xia's performance is simply difficult to swallow his disappointment, so the proud father finally can not stand self-esteem The challenge will be Yixia sent to boarding school, the weak and the good mother can only obey.

Left the care of the mother, surrounded by completely strange environment. The teacher rebuked and mocked by their peers so that young Yixia again unbearable, not treason he was silent, optimistic, cheerful, likes to paint Yixia finally died out in silence. All day long he lived a lonely, patience, silence, afraid of the day, night, tears, looks into the distance early in the morning, evening out for a walk, a person eating, walking to class · · · · · · one-year-old child can withstand? He completely collapsed, his genius thinking is ignored by the ordinary people, his self-confidence has been destroyed by the ordinary people severely, he was deeply suspect, and he even favorite painting stopped. The lyrics sung in the movie: my eyes are empty, tears are gone, I no longer feel the pain, I have become numb. We know that the film after all the movies, we also know that fortunately the film, because the only movies can fulfill our dream of salvation teacher Nick appeared in the most desperate moment of Yixia. To be continued ..












一天,一位新的美术老师Ram Shankar Nikumbh(Aamir Khan饰)突如其来,用欢乐和乐观感染着每一个学生。他打破了“事情是如何完成”的所有规则,让学生自己去思考,去梦想,去想象。学生们都满怀热忱,除了Ishaan。Nikumbh很快也发现了Ishaan并不快乐,然后他开始了找寻原因。用时间、耐心和关怀,他最终帮助Ishaan找回了自己,还有快乐


Year-old Iraqi Xiang has a very different childhood, his world is full of bright colors and wonderful fantasy, cute puppy with him chasing Xixi, the spacecraft will carry him anywhere on the magnificent skyline; more ancient fire-breathing dragons, the planet of the universe, there are countless flowers, rainbow

colored birds fish with him ... The rich never imagination always lead him to fly high, but he suffered the strange looks of others. The operations, performance, order is the key concern of school teachers, Iraq Xiang therefore become a problem student, and often to take the blame ...

Continue to trouble the Iraqi Xiang finally allow the parents the last straw, they decided to send him to a discipline strict famous boarding school, hoping he can become a "good boy". Were forced to leave Iraq Xiang very sad, the lack of understanding led to his bitter pill to swallow, that ever since closed their own, unwilling to learn ...

However, the new school to an art teacher Nikon. Nikon teacher not only to infect students with joy and enthusiasm and more to encourage thinking, the courage to dream of teaching methods to stimulate incomparable imagination. When all students love the unique teacher, but the exception of Iraq Xiang is still unhappy. Nikon teacher soon realized Yi Xiang is not happy, he decided to visit Iraq Xiang's father ... Teacher Nikon is able to identify the crux of the problem in Iraq Xiang? He can really love, patience, plus continue to pay the care, Iraq Xiang grow up, re-back the joy and dreams? ...

Behind the scenes

The hearts of little star is a population of nearly 1.2 billion film the annual output of more than 1000 Ministry of Bollywood, the most important movie of 2008. The film not only won three awards of the "India Oscar" FILMFARE, film awards for Best Picture, Best Director, Best Screenplay, etc., but also

represent India an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film. Film story describes one always keep up with schoolwork suffered scolding 3 children, under the disappointment of the father, was sent to boarding school, was lucky enough to be a teacher to teach carefully, finally found self-confidence and self- story ...

[The hearts of stars from India, "3K" King, one of the actor Amitabh Samarkand self-guided and acted in the new film for the first time, it not only succeeded in showing a child a happy scene, childlike, different to the world, the story is more is sincere and delicate, people laugh more than the same time deeply moved. In particular, the film from time to time, the wonderful music and lovely

animation, won in all the hearts of the audience. [The hearts of little star]

before the Golden Horse Film Festival screening, not only packed, laugh when the audience is to see the tears intertwined, see reputation boiling, you can not miss this spring, most wonderful film.


Ethan (Da Xier Safa Rui ornaments) is a one-year-old little boy, his world is full of people was not the first place surprise: colors, fish, dog and kite. These are not so important to the world for my mother, more interested in their homework scores and tidy. Ishaan in schools seem to do anything right.

When he that does it is beyond the scope of the parents can control, he was sent to a boarding school accepted to teach. In the new school, everything is no different. Ishaan must cope with the additional trauma of separation from family.

Day, a new art teacher Ram Shankar Nikumbh (Aamir Khan ornaments) sudden, with joy and optimism infected with each student. He broke all the rules of "how things are done" and let students to think, to dream, to imagine. The students, all full of enthusiasm except Ishaan. Nikumbh soon found that Ishaan is not happy, then he began to look for reasons. With time, patience and care, he ultimately to help Ishaan finds himself, as well as happy 撤消修改

法兰克福的下午稍微下了点雨,那会儿我刚刚在一个美国志愿者的陪同下从一位艾滋病医生的诊所出来,街上腾起一阵阵热雨,burning rain,他说。接下来我们要干什么呢?不知道。要不然,他接茬说,我带你去看看我工作的小学校吧。我想了下,自己不应该罗嗦,所以也就不要所谓的引入技巧了,直接切入正题,这位志愿者的工作所在地,并非第二十九届北京奥运会,不过是距离法兰克福市中心远得可怕的一所有些特殊的小学校而已,面积狭小,好在环境亲近自然。这是Shuan介绍他给我认识时就已经说明的,说他工作的是a school for children who company with Autism,最后一个单词所代表的一种“疾病”在国内,目前被称为,自闭症,或者说,孤独症。看着草地上那些嘻嘻哈哈乱作一团的小朋友大朋友(有的已经过了十二岁甚至有的已经进入青春期),我倏忽想起去年春节回家途经香港在一次关于儿童教育座谈会的旁听席上看到的电影,《地球上的星星》。




这个误解的冰释过程可以解说如下:我身边的朋友很少,这或许并非是一些人所崇尚的少而精主义(less is more)。可就这些少之又少的朋友,一开始几乎都没有办法理解,我为什么总对那些跟自己的生活似乎毫无瓜葛的事件感兴趣。当他们在讨论独立音乐小清新时,我在跟他们说受艾滋病影响的中国儿童;当他们排队去银行购买新发行的基金时,我在他们耳边唠叨广州的绿校和成都的爱慧(因为一些上不了台面的原因,后面一个学校或许面临着一些自身的困境)……有时候我也觉得很难启齿,在我上小学之前,我也有稍微的Autism征兆,幸运的是我那时候至少有一个心态开放积极的家庭和一个当时看来在小地方很了不起的海外亲戚(只不过在台湾),这些都让我能得到即使算不上世界先进总不至于落后似如今朝鲜的学前帮助。当时的表现种种我现在是没有办法想起来了,不过只要我面对这群孩子,我很容易就能找到非“传统”社会的交流沟通方式。佛曰,不可说不可说,而我何其幸哉。















天上一片安静,“唉,也许上帝去抓蜗牛了!”好吧!松手吧!反正上帝不管了,我还管什么? 任蜗牛往前爬,我在后面生闷气。





Frankfurt afternoon, slightly under the rain, had never been seen, I am just an American volunteer, accompanied by an AIDS doctor's office out in the street beneath the waves of heat rain, burning rain, he said. Next, we want to do? I do not know. Otherwise, he Jiecha said, I'll show you how I work the primary and secondary schools. I want to, do not be wordy, so it is not the so-called introduction of skills directly to the point, the volunteer's work location, not the twenty-ninth Olympic Games in Beijing, but far from Frankfurt city center was a terrible some of the special primary and secondary schools, small size, and good environment close to nature. This is the the Shuan introduction I know, he has indicated that his work is a school for children who company with Autism, the last words on behalf of a "disease" in the country, currently known as, autism or autism.

Watching the grass, those children laughing tangle friends (some of them have had a 12-year-old even has entered puberty), I am mortal to think of home via Hong Kong in the public gallery and forum on children's education in the last year, Chinese New Year to see the movie, the stars on Earth. "

One filled with innocence, inclusive, the kind with sun film.

However, there is not the same. The men met in the film is indeed a typical Autism symptoms - dyslexia, but he knew his own father and mother, speaking expression also wealth to the "traditional" societies (known as the "normal" society) and the inherent logic and also has a successful well-off middle class family, compared to peers of the same encounter with him, because the point of a movie Sunshine, the situation between this huge gap width to be true. But to be fair, this is untrue does not affect the audience's understanding, even if you have knowledge on the issues discussed by the film, you will very easily into the story, in addition to the front teeth of the cute little boy , as well as a sing jump looks also decent young male teacher, of course, fairy tales, there is thick and all-conquering friendship - yes, male teacher before the performance, there is great films and television shows. children, giving the impression that tightening of the brow seems to shoulder the heavy responsibility of saving a child of the universe (laughs), but later the fate of the male teacher - he walked into an elementary school that I mentioned at the beginning, this misconception can be dispelled , so that the higher grade of the so-called Chinese-style hell go, even the year they sold for a small prize in the United States had public AIDS orphans in the film (I'm not naming names), even if they brag about how true how three a representative, I was unable to control their emotions say, let them go to hell with their asshole.

Misunderstood vanish process explanations are as follows: few friends around me, which might not seem like some people are advocating the small but efficient '(less is more). In respect of these very few friends, almost all there is no way to understand why, I am always interested in those events seem to have anything to do with their own lives. When they discuss the independent music fresh, and I told them that the Chinese children affected by AIDS; in their ears when they line up to go to the bank to buy newly issued Fund nagging green school in Guangzhou and Chengdu, the love of wisdom (because not on the table, behind a school may be facing some of their own plight) ...... Sometimes I think the easy way to say, in my elementary school, I also have a little signs of Autism, fortunately, I then at least have a positive family with an open mind and a appears in a small place great overseas relatives (except Taiwan), which are so I can get even if not the world's advanced total Buzhi Yu backward like Today, North Korea's pre-school to help . Time performance as I know by now there is no way to think of it, but as long as I face these kids, I can easily find non-traditional "social communication way. Buddha said, can not say you can not say, and I He Qixing Kazuya.

To further explain this dyslexia or Autism, we can borrow 列维斯特劳斯 the concept of "biological grammar" (bio-the grammar). As a study semiotics, structuralism, 列维斯特劳

斯 absorption in the development of the cultural geography of the same era with a lot of experience, this assumption based on the dualistic principle of structuralism, he leads the "biological grammar" concept , saying that each individual body has a "biological grammar, to make their own to explain the symbols of cultural information and accept the interpretation of the symbol of cultural information, where the symbol refers to a specific period of shared customs expression, such as ethics, logic, idioms, and so on. From this concept we can easily be found if a person of his body's "biological grammar" with the mainstream population of slightly different, he is likely to be no way to successfully read and write. For example, the theory of relativity, Albert Einstein, for example, draw an aircraft model of Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century ... of course, their achievements are not limited, I mean, when we were young learned the text said Leonardo da Vinci learn hen to chicks, the text concludes that later Leonardo da Vinci is the courage to practice (perhaps because of the bold reform and opening up, Deng Xiaoping put forward the slogan, "Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth") can who can guarantee that he just really think they have the ability to hatch chicks? Because they see the world with our eyes is likely to be different.

In the beginning stages of the life, in the vast universe, met Autism "OK" (or really is OK, who can really distinguish it?) Of the phenomenon, to finally be able to get world attention is in fact very few, Einstein and da Finch are one example, rare, however. The film provides a satisfactory audience a happy ending, but the fact is that it would like to convey this concept, like the domestic mother of an autistic child's written a moving snail pull I go for a walk "puts it, perhaps we think we gave birth to a biological grammar" incompatible with the traditional social child, this child is the "snail" We are a punishment from God, God, let us next life walked holding snail can maybe God's true intentions hidden in the fact that the other side, "I suddenly think, is it wrong? the original God called snail led me to go for a walk."

Another problem is that, even if we understand these, we can do?

Africa, Southeast Asia, Latin America, including China's mountainous areas of Henan, Anhui, Guizhou, Jiangxi, Hubei, Yunnan, and perhaps also count in Xinjiang and Tibet, this world there are so many places to be this or that reason - the Government or ethnic groups worth mentioning - enjoy the oppression of the brutal crushing. Course not everyone has the opportunity to go to a different environment to do so as volunteers, but after all, every young person has their own life, especially in heavy family burdens of traditional Eastern societies, regardless of the soaring land prices city or population, such as water and soil-like mania at a loss to the loss of rural areas, the benefits of "doing good" with pay obviously wrong - not to mention many of today's domestic university students, in addition to the school summer vacation each year organizations nondescript style of Chinese characteristics countryside activities, did not find a legitimate organization to provide themselves with the freedom to give love to share the love.

However, at least we have the ability to treat children around friends. My most outstanding

high school students, and now they were renowned universities in the country topsy-turvy for their own future competition. When this group of naive, and fly out of the mountain Wowo Golden Phoenix Back to the mountain small town, and perhaps accept their hospitality, perhaps for other reasons, they run from the charging system of tutorial, with the participation of pupils, high school students, but either behind naturally stood firm hopeful parents. - It makes me feel ashamed, or if my parents a little care about a little comparison, will feel very ashamed of their son, as other college students leave home can make money, either dangling did not come home, even if The home is also the bees and butterflies with a large group of cousin cousin as well as their classmates, the children all day East loitering. Fortunately, the children play with me now on the first day, their performance is not worse than the Golden Phoenix students cram to my children score. I do not want to see is not the charges (normal), but you turned around with the brother and sister who set himself ten years and now finally get rid of a little bit of chain sets in much less than you the transmission of this tradition, is always confusing.

Them, and we are the stars on Earth.

Hastily written on this article, to the personal feelings of today's knowledge, and secondly, whether in the Douban or time online, the domestic audience seems little is known about the film, make a small recommendation.

Attachment: snail go for a walk holding my

God gave me a task, and told me to pull a snail go for a walk.

I can not go too fast, the snails have worked hard to climb, each move is always that little bit.

I urge it, I fool it, I blame it snail looked at me with apologetic eyes, as if to say: "They have done their best!"

I pull it, I pulled it, I want to play it, the snail was injured, it sweating, panting, crawl forward. I wonder why God told me to pull a snail go for a walk? God, ah, why?

A quiet heaven, "Oh, God, grab a snail!" All right! Let go! Anyway, God, I also control what? Any snail crawl forward, I sulk in the back.

Huh? I smell the flowers, the original side of a garden. I feel the breeze blowing, the original such a gentle night wind.

Wait, I hear the birds, I hear the insects, I see the sky the star is more than bright. Huh? How no experience?

I suddenly think, Could I made a mistake? The original God called snail led me to go for a walk.
























